On June the 3, 2010 in Israel, the Rabbinical Council of Judea and Samaria announced today that they believe the current conflict with Turkey over a flotilla of ships trying to run the Gaza blockade may be the beginning of the ‘Gog and Magog’ end time battle prophesied in the book of Ezekiel (38 & 39).
The rabbis note that in the ‘God and Magog’ scenario the whole world is against Israel and they are attacked from the north with many other countries joining the battle but in the end Israel is saved and redeemed for the 3rd and final time ushering in a new era in world history.
Turkey is the key to uniting the Arab Muslim World. The only time in history that the Arabs have been united, is during the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The Arabs have a real hard time getting along with one another, even in the same country. There is no way that they would follow a leader from Iran, etc. But, they all say that they could follow Turkey as the head of an Arab legion.
Turkey could be the possible place that the Anti-Christ could arise.
Pictures of a new Turkish lead Muslim world appeared all over the internet just after the flotilla from Turkey.
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